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- Facilitated participatory appraisal, planning, re-planning and designing of the projects for MS Nepal, GTZ, SDC, Helvetas, SNV and UNCDF
- Facilitated different events to analyse organizational capability of the local organizations and civil societies under GTZ contract
- Evaluated the national level bioengineering training programs of Road Maintenance Project (DFID and HMG joint venture) under DFID contract
- Designed and reviewed different road sub sector projects of Department of Roads (DOR) under SDC, DFID and World Bank Contract (Arniko Highway Project, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Coordination Unit—MRCU, Strengthened Maintenance Division—SMD, Road Sector Skill Development Unit (RSSDU), Eastern Region Road Maintenance Project—EROM, Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project—RMRP)
- Designed and reviewed different bridge sub sector projects of DOR and DoLIDAR under SDC Contract (Bridge Building at Local Level—BBLL, Suspension Bridge Division—SBD, Bridge Upgrading and Maintenance Project—BUMP)
- Carried out final evaluation of Chisapani Community Development and Disaster Management Program (CCDDMP) of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented by Nepal Red Cross Society
- Clients’ perception study of Local Governance Program (LGP) supported by SNV Nepal
- Assessment of CARE Nepal’s partnership programs with NGOs and private organizations
- Baseline survey of nine VDCs of Bhojpur District for Vijaya Development Resource Centre
- Mid-term review of Plan International’s Bhojpur program
- Follow-up study of short-term course trainees of a leading technical training institute with a view to readjust the course contents according to changes in the labour market
- Review of Rural Infrastructure Project of the HMG/N and World Bank and redesigning of a 35 million Dollar project for next 4 years in 21 districts in Nepal with a new name – Rural Access Infrastructure Project.
- Review of NGO capacity building project of DACAW districts for Unicef
- Series of workshops for UNIFEM in the assessment of Strengthening Pre-Departure Orientation for Safe Migration and designing of intervention packages and code of conduct for training providers
- Endline survey of Women Empowerment for Transformation (SAKCHAM) Program of CARE Nepal supported by ADA/CARE Austria