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- Framework support package with intermittent backstopping support to enhancing the institutional capability of Association of District Development Committees of Nepal (ADDC/N) for better organization management and providing better services to the DDCs which also include selection of professional staffs and job orientation.
- Pre-job orientation training and workshop to newly recruited staffs of ADDC/N to create common understanding about the role, functions, vision and operational mechanisms of the organization and orient about the factors for participatory organizational management in order to expedite team spirit among the staffs.
- Supported in the development of long range strategic plan for CARE Nepal and Organizational Development Plan for MS Nepal
- Developed Log-Frame-based operational strategy of national level NGOs: Nepal Water for Health—NEWAH and Self Help Group for Cerebral Palsy—SGCP
- Review and designed the institutional development package for a national level entity on technical education and vocation training sector—Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) under SDC and Asian Development Bank (ADB) contract
- Facilitated a workshop to develop the Country Program (1998-2005) for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Nepal
- Developed LogFrame-based strategic plan of Technical Institution of Technical Instructors (TITI)
- Facilitated the team building workshop for Mother and Child Health and Family Planning Project for SDC Nepal, and for Eastern Region Forestry Training Project of DANIDA
- Developed operational vision (strategic plan) of Butwal Technical Institute (BTI) and Sanothimi Technical School (STTS)
- Carried out organizational analysis of Nari Bikash Sangh which is spread over to 22 districts and 7 zones with 44 regional branch offices, and have ascertained its institutional and human resource development needs for Canadian Coordination Office
- Provided support to SNV Vietnam in the assessment of the institutional competence of the NGOs in with a view to strengthen their capacity for implementing national and provincial level project activities.
- Carried out study on capacity assessment of MEDEP supported entities to prepare institutional development guidelines for them