- Defining, agreeing and usinga systematic approach and methodology to conduct organizational assessments and capacity needs assessments.
- Carry out organizational development assessment of identified key stakeholders and propose comprehensive as well as specific organizational development measures with GESI friendly to improve the key stakeholder’s performance in regards to renewable energy by applying systematic approaches/methodologies,
- Carry out capacity needs assessment of primary stakeholders and recommend capacity development measures with GESI and DAG friendly to increase their effectiveness in regards to renewable energy according to a systematic approach.

The main objective of the assignment was to assess the Organizational Development (OD) and Capacity Needs (CN) of key and primary stakeholders respectively for the promotion of Renewable Energyin Province no. 1. Key and primary stakeholders were the ruralmunicipalities and private companies, banking institutions, civil society organizations, and educational institutions respectively that are identified by the stakeholder analysis/actors mapping conducted by GIZ earlier.
Specifically, the assignment included the following: