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- Organizational analysis of SDC/Nepal on the issue of Gender Sensitivity with the expatriates and senior Nepali officers for SDC/Nepal.
- Facilitated gender sensitisation programs and developed Gender Strategic Planning for SDC/ Nepal senior officers, health and forestry projects of SDC, Balaju Technical Training Centre (BTTC)
- Carried out gender sensitisation programs including development of gender action plan for the field level development practitioners from different development organizations, organized by Nepal Rural Reconstruction Association (NERRA).
- Facilitated gender sensitisation workshop in Women Development Office, Bhojpur for the District Line Agencies’ Heads,
- Facilitated gender sensitisation workshop for the District Development Committee (DDC) members, government staff and project staff of Kabhre district.
- Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) for Primary Health Care/Mother and Child Health and Family Planning (PHC/MCH-FP) Project supported by SDC Nepal in Ramechhap district.
- A special gender package for SNV Nepal consisting of the following programs:
- Supported to design the operational strategic plan including an overall log frame to mainstream gender in SNV Nepal and its projects and programs
- Designed a Gender Sensitisation Module by assessing and integrating the SNV model and the Alliance Nepal modules.
- Gender sensitisation training and development of Gender Action Plans for SNV projects: Praja Community Development Project (PCDP), Agroforestry and Community Development Project (AFCDP), Bio Gas Support Project (BSP), District Partnership Program and Mechi Hill Development Program (MHDP).
- Formulation of a log frame for “Organizational Capacity Building in Gender.”
- Training of Resource Persons (TORP): Created a pool of 16 resource persons within SNV to conceptualise, plan and mainstream gender related activities in the projects and programs
- Support in developing TOR on “Gender Integration Module (GIM)” and identifying resource persons, training consultants and other gender related experts.
- Gender Sensitisation training for the staff of Makalu Barun Area Conservation Project (MBCP) at Sankhuwasabha district for all the staffs, and training of facilitators and trainers for gender transformation (ToFTT) to the selected staffs of MBCP.
- Provided the backstopping and advisory support to the interns of Gender Internship Program, designed and implemented by SDC India. The major focus was on the strategy for the interns to become change agent within their respective Organizations.
- Supported Institutional Reform and Informal Sector (IRIS) research team in carrying out an institutional analysis of various GO/INGO and NGOs involved in income generating activities entitled Women Entrepreneurship Management Training/Issues and Problems.
- Carried out assessment study for identification of special needs of women for micro-entrepreneurial development under UNDP contract for MEDEP
- Gender sensitisation training for the staff of TBSU ( trail bridge sub sector unit )/ Helvetas Nepal